Examining Data Science Through an Equity Lens
The Computer Science and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies departments collaborated on a new cross-listed course.
Find the latest news and information from the department, including student experiences, faculty research and awards, and alumni updates.
To register for the department's Undergraduate News and Events newsletter please visit ter.ps/WGSSnews. Click here to view an archive of past newsletters.
University of Maryland will be closed for Christmas and New Years
Exciting new courses join old favorites in Spring 2025 slate of WGSS courses
Dr. Dill joins researchers from Michigan State University, Carnegie Mellon, the European University Institute and the Modern Language Association at the Values-Enacted Leadership Institute
Five exceptional members of the ARHU community received an annual service award.
WGSS PhD students join 2024-2025 AAUW Fellows Cohort
Celebrate Disability History and Awareness Month with WGSS
WGSS Alumna Dawn Moore talks Doing Good, Children's Mental Health, and the Legacy of Harriet Tubman in conversation with ARHU, BSOS, and EDUC
Read the WGSS annual newsletter now
WGSS to welcome 5 speakers to campus for fall and spring speaker series